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CMC MAXX - Corrugated Material Conducting

CMC MAXX - Corrugated Material Conducting

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Product | CMC MAXX - Corrugated Material Conducting
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CMC MAXX corrugated material handling hose is designed for abrasive suction and discharge service.  Utilizes split flanged couplings, which can be installed without special tools, allows hose to be purchased in long lengths and cut as required.  The reusable coupling allow full flow of material and permits the hose to be easily rotated for even wear.


Tube - Highly abrasion resistant red pure gum rubber
Reinforcement - Synthetic fabric reinforcement and wire helix
Cover - Black abrasion resistant synthetic rubber corrugated to enhance flexibility and match internal corrugations of external split flanged coupling Branding - Red stripe  CMC MAXX CORRUGATED MATERIAL HANDLING CONDUCTING HOSE

Temperature Range

-40°C to +82°C (-40°F to +180°F)

Standard Lengths

2" to 6" - 100ft
8" - 40ft
10" - 40ft
12" - 20ft

Working pressures are calculated at 70 degrees F (20 degrees C). Maximum working pressure decreases as temperature increases. Pressure ratings can only be achieved using proper coupling procedures. Bend radius is calculated at 70 degrees F (20 degrees C). Flexibility may vary at different temperatures. Please contact IRP if you have concerns regarding your application.
Parts No.
I.D. Inches
O.D. Inches
Max W.P. @ 70°F/20°C
Bend Radius
Vacuum Rating (in Hg) 68F
Tube Gauge MM
Approx. Wt. Per. Ft. Lbs.
CMC-2 2 3.00 150 6 29.92 1/4 2.373
CMC-3 3 4.50 150 9 29.92 1/4 5.262
CMC-4 4 5.30 150 12 29.92 1/4 5.546
CMC-5 5 6.46 150 20 29.92 1/4 8.204
CMC-6 6 7.50 150 24 29.92 5/16 10.021
CMC-8 8 9.50 150 36 29.92 5/16 12.865
CMC-10 10 11.50 150 50 29.92 5/16 17.218
CMC-12 12 13.75 150 60 29.92 5/16 23.988
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