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CHEM MAXX - All Chemical

CHEM MAXX - All Chemical

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Product | CHEM MAXX - All Chemical
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CHEM MAXX is a very versatile hose used for the transfer of chemicals and will handle 90% of known chemicals and petroleum products in both suction and discharge applications.


Tube - Translucent smooth cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
Reinforcement - A dual wire helix between two layers of high tensile synthetic cords
Cover - Green smooth EPDM chemical resistant rubber
Branding - White Stripe  CHEM MAXX XLPE CHEMICAL HOSE 150 PSI

Temperature Range

-29°C to +66°C (-20°F to +150°F) or -29°C to +82°C (-20°F to +180°F) Depending on media being conveyed

Standard Lengths

50ft/ 100ft


*Reduced pressure ratings are advised when handling hot, extremely corrosive chemicals. *Working pressures shown are based on using a permanent type coupling such as swage or internally expanded. *For branding type couplings, the working pressure should be reduced to 65% of the pressure listed below. 

Working pressures are calculated at 70 degrees F (20 degrees C). Maximum working pressure decreases as temperature increases. Pressure ratings can only be achieved using proper coupling procedures. Bend radius is calculated at 70 degrees F (20 degrees C). Flexibility may vary at different temperatures. Please contact IRP if you have concerns regarding your application.
Parts No.
I.D. Inches
O.D. Inches
Max W.P. @ 70°F/20°C
Bend Radius
Approx. Wt. Per. Ft. Lbs.
AC-.75 3/4 1.26 150 6 0.480
AC-1 1 1.50 150 8 0.690
AC-1.25 1-1/4 1.79 150 10 0.830
AC-1.5 1-1/2 2.05 150 12 1.030
AC-2 2 2.558 150 16 1.420
AC-2.5 2-1/2 3.08 150 25 1.730
AC-3 3 3.58 150 30 2.210
AC-4 4 4.65 150 40 3.460
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